
Extra Space In Links

Author:  jkf [ Sat 21 Oct, 2006 ]
Post subject:  Extra Space In Links

There is a post editor problem that I have been trying
to get rid of for the past week.

It puts in an extra space in long lines, around 80th character
and around the 64th character when using the CODE tag.

Please make note of this as you try to copy links to download
and check for spaces before you claim that a link is bad. Thanks.

Also, you do not have to use the CODE tag around links, live links
are disabled on this board and the CODE tag seems to be messing
things up also.

You can directly type in http://xxx instead of h**p://xxx

Author:  jkf [ Tue 27 Mar, 2007 ]
Post subject:  Re: Extra Space In Links

It seems that with a little extra reading and with some expert help from MJ
over at phpBBFM.net, it looks like the problem is now fixed.

Please let me know if you see any extra spaces popping up where they don't belong...


Author:  wAsTeD_C [ Tue 17 Apr, 2007 ]
Post subject:  Extra Space In Links

Reffering to this:
and making it more clear to everybody.
