
Please Remove "." (periods) From Topic Titles

Author:  jkf [ Sun 22 Apr, 2007 ]
Post subject:  Please Remove "." (periods) From Topic Titles

Please take out the periods separating words in the topic titles.

It makes the search fail...

Do not use titles such as... "This.Is.A.Sample.Title..."

Because it creates one giant search word "This.Is.A.Sample.Title..."
and makes it unsearchable and it will clutter up the search index
and make it fail after a while.

Release groups like to use those names because it fools a lot of
search engines from finding the files but engines like Google are
already working around it and finding them...


Author:  hbgator [ Mon 23 Apr, 2007 ]
Post subject:  Re: Please Remove "." (periods) From Topic Titles

sorry ,jkf, I know that a few of mine have periods Sad

Author:  jkf [ Mon 23 Apr, 2007 ]
Post subject:  Re: Please Remove "." (periods) From Topic Titles

Not to worry, I have been fixing them as I find them.

I was just curious why some of the titles couldn't be searched
for and ran a few experiments myself. Although, I have changed
most of the ones that I have found, they are still not searchable
until I rebuild the search index... and that in itself has problems
because there are many posts that have...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...
(ASCII Art)... and things that look like that.... which stalls the search
index rebuild because the parser considers it as a huge word until
it finds the next space or delimiter... Laughing

Then I started looking for the "why" some chose _ instead of the
. and so forth. The underscore was used to replace the space on
systems and servers that dealt with filenames that couldn't have
spaces, and the period was basically used to spoof direct searches
in the beginning, but then it just became a popular thing to do...
