
TiVo DRM cracked

Author:  aiolos [ Mon 04 Dec, 2006 ]
Post subject:  TiVo DRM cracked

Historically, one of the main raps against TiVo has been its lack of support for non-Windows users with respect to transferring recordings off of the set-top box; TiVoToGo is a privilege served up to Windows users only. Well that's all about to change, if the crafty coders over at Sourceforge have anything to say about it.

According to several sources (most significantly, the 'forgers themselves), a program that's been a year in the making -- the so-called TiVo File Decoder -- is finally stable enough to run in the wild from command lines worldwide. Although there are currently no OS-specific GUIs to expedite the process, Decoder will still perform a .tivo-to-MPEG conversion without the need for tools like DirectShowDump, so it should only be a matter of time before polished Mac and Linux interfaces are compiled that dumb down the process for the average user.
