
October 3rd declared: 'Day Against DRM!

Author:  aiolos [ Fri 01 Sep, 2006 ]
Post subject:  October 3rd declared: 'Day Against DRM!

Now that's a good idea. Get people informed about DRM.

Defeating DRM is all about awareness. The direct actions that we have taken are all about this. Whether it means protesting outside Apple Stores in Hazmat suits or getting HUGE press coverage for announcing the Bono petition (sign it now). Action gets attention, and creates space for debate. And as our friends at Disney recognize, if there is a debate, we will have won.

Clear your schedule for a world wide day of action against DRM. On Tuesday October 3rd we will all be taking action to raise the stakes and attempt to increase awareness to the threats of DRM - in a very significant way.

Submit your ideas now and by October 3rd we will be ready to make it happen. Tell us how you think we can, together, raise awareness to defeat DRM. We will award prizes for the best ideas.

Yes, that's right, to add a little more fun to the events (and we just love to get competitive here at DbD) we will award prizes for things like Best Idea, Best Action, Best Team Action, Best Photo, Best Blog, Best Video, Most People Contacted, Thing that makes us laugh.... and others. Submit your idea today! Based upon your ideas and actions on October 3 we will fulfill Big Media's worst nightmare: public awareness about the dangers of DRM.

submit ideas : h__p://defectivebydesign.org/en/blog/announce_day_against_drm
