
Colorado To Vote On Legalizing Marijuana (?)

Author:  aiolos [ Thu 24 Aug, 2006 ]
Post subject:  Colorado To Vote On Legalizing Marijuana (?)

It sounds a bit strange to me, but it might be true...

Last year, the city of Denver, Colorado, legalized the possession of under an ounce of marijuana within city limits. This was more of a symbolic victory, as nothing really changed. The cops were still handing out tickets and taking away sacks under the precedent that state law, which still has marijuana as an illegal substance, supersedes city law.

That could all change this November. SAFER, the organization that pushed the first initiative last year, has once again triumphed in bringing this to another vote. A proposed state wide decriminalization of marijuana will be voted on by the good folks of Colorado when the polls open up in few short weeks.

