
So you think you have an HDTV... think again !

Author:  aiolos [ Sun 13 Aug, 2006 ]
Post subject:  So you think you have an HDTV... think again !

It seems the geniuses who designed HDMI didn't figure out the bandwidth needs. So now they've come out with a new version. HDMI 1.3.
So now besides high-res TVs that don't have HDMI (and are therefore not HD-TVs), we also have outdated HD-TVs with HDMI 1.1
Very consumer friendly...


Author:  Grim [ Sun 13 Aug, 2006 ]
Post subject: 

Good job I aint bought one yet, give it a few more years and erm... maybe, just maybe, they will have sorted their final specs out for it. Laughing
