
Short Trip

Author:  jkf [ Sat 01 Jul, 2006 ]
Post subject:  Short Trip

Not that it would make a tremendous difference,
since I'm barely on to be of any help...

I'll be away for about a week... starting tomorrow.
Not sure about internet access.

Looks like everyone is taking on new jobs or is on vacation,
so things will be on cruise-control. I hope I don't miss out
on anything exciting here... LOL

Author:  santa [ Sun 02 Jul, 2006 ]
Post subject:  Re: Short Trip

enjoy your trip m8. Cool

Author:  Grim [ Mon 03 Jul, 2006 ]
Post subject: 

See ya soon mate and have a safe journey. Smile

Author:  Lady DarkFire [ Thu 06 Jul, 2006 ]
Post subject:  Re: Short Trip

Be safe hun and be sure to get plenty of rest and relaxation!

Author:  jkf [ Thu 13 Jul, 2006 ]
Post subject:  Re: Short Trip

I'm moving this to the HUMOR section, since I can laugh about it now...Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

And don't gig me on the live link...
(I think I'm entitled to break my rules on my own website... lol)

Well, I feel like I was cast in a Kung Fu movie where the good guys and
the bad guys got the scripts backwards...

The bad guys were using the real crowbars...

Well, Halloween is only 3 months away, I have an early start... LOL

Author:  peiratns [ Thu 13 Jul, 2006 ]
Post subject:  Re: Short Trip

shiit man. That looks bad. Get some rest and don't worry about anything else... One week is not enough I think, make that at least two if you can.


Author:  hbgator [ Fri 14 Jul, 2006 ]
Post subject:  Re: Short Trip

dang man get off the web and enjoy the free high the meds give you get better soon

Author:  jkf [ Sat 15 Jul, 2006 ]
Post subject:  Re: Short Trip

Hey peiratns, love your new sig. (Does she come with 2 legs or with a peg leg???)

Oh god, the free highs (not to mention LEGAL) are great... Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

(huge bottles of OXYs and VALs... it should last me about a month...hehehe
and the doctor Supersized the order without me even asking...
too bad... it says "no refills"... bummer)

Hmmm... I can't seem to get off my arse to do anything tho... and I'm starting to
show signs of the classic junky, such as that funky stench.. (just kidding Laughing Laughing Laughing)

Well it looks like I won't be doing any "Biatch Impersonations"... for awhile
unless someone sneaks off with my meds... LOL

Life has become boring socially though... I will probably need to shell out 5X the $$$
for a "blind" date... (literally speaking ... then I'll probably doze off anyway...

I'm going to sneak back to work on the overnight shift so I don't scare the other
workers, cause I can't stay awake long enought to watch any decent movies...
At least I can hide around the corner when the guards are making their rounds and
"coincidentally" get into their face... might even make them shiit their pants... LOL

This is called "Too much time on my hands" I'm gonna try the bungee cord next time.
(one thing I did notice about these meds.... they make my mouth run excessively...
without full duplex connection to the brain...)

Author:  peiratns [ Sun 16 Jul, 2006 ]
Post subject: 

Thanks JK! Here she is with two full legs (!!!) for your enjoyment:


BTW, what are you doing writing long messages when you are supposed to get some rest?
