
AT&T introduces new focus on online gaming

Author:  hbgator [ Thu 11 May, 2006 ]
Post subject:  AT&T introduces new focus on online gaming

AT&T Inc., through its Enterprise Hosting Services division, has organized a team of engineers and technicians to focus exclusively on developing online-gaming technology and enhancing customer service.

The team, or practice, will be devoted specifically to its online gaming customers, including Sony Online Entertainment LLC, and that company's multiplayer online gaming titles, including EverQuest and PlanetSide.

"AT&T's gaming practice has successfully tailored the way hosting services operations should function for nonstop online gaming services," says Adam Joffe, chief technology officer for Sony Online Entertainment. "Our online gaming titles are some of the most popular, widely played and demanding applications on the Internet, and AT&T has created a meaningful and valued service offer to help keep our games running smoothly."

As part of the dedicated practice, AT&T will provide around-the-clock customer service in support of its online gaming services. The team will act as a single point of contact and provide near real-time information for the benefit of its gaming customers.

"Our online gaming clients have a critical demand for not only bandwidth and network capacity, but also the special operations center for gaming customers," says Chris Costello, director of hosting and utility computing at AT&T. "This group has a multi-layered level of networking expertise and offers exceptional managed services and monitoring."
