
DVDs for $1.50

Author:  aiolos [ Tue 25 Apr, 2006 ]
Post subject:  DVDs for $1.50

If they sold at these prices, I guess nobody would download or copy DVDs. But I guess the big studios just don't seem to get it...

This looks to be a radical move by Warner pictures. In an effort to stem rampant piracy of their content in China, the studio has opted to roll around in the dirt so to speak, with the pirates, by offering their content at prices competitive to the scofflaws. It is being reported at MS NBC, that Warner will begin to offer films that can run as high as 20 dollars US to the Chinese for the affordable price point of $1.50. This will surely raise the eyebrows of DVD film collectors in Europe and the US, causing them to wonder if there isn't a way to lower prices over in these countries as well.

source : h__p://www.cdfreaks.com/news/13335
