
It's me

Author:  babel1 [ Thu 02 Feb, 2006 ]
Post subject:  It's me

Hello everyone.

I was a member of Limnaios too back in the ol'days.
Nice to be here again.

Author:  jkf [ Thu 02 Feb, 2006 ]
Post subject:  Re: It's me

Hi and Welcome to our new site. Good to see you here. We
have almost everything here except for the paypal button. LOL

We also have the Crème de la Crop from the old forum so even
though the community isn't as large yet, we have plenty of
resources to make it as good or better than our previous forum.

If you know of any friends that might have become stranded after
our disappearance from the old site, please let them know where to
catch up with us. Thanks

Enjoy our board.

jkf Cool Cool Cool

Author:  Lord [ Thu 02 Feb, 2006 ]
Post subject:  Re: It's me

wellcome and have fun

Author:  Grim [ Fri 03 Feb, 2006 ]
Post subject: 

Welcome back Babel, enjoy!

Author:  Lady DarkFire [ Fri 03 Feb, 2006 ]
Post subject: 

Hello Babel1 it's great to have you back with us. Welcome to Wasted Times!
