
Gmail texts - HELP!!! Please!!!

Author:  fieryred [ Sun 06 Jun, 2021 ]
Post subject:  Gmail texts - HELP!!! Please!!!

I have tried everything and finally decided to ask the smart people.

I clicked on a fact check in fakebook, and since then I have been getting texts from gmail's - all with subjects no where near anything I've searched. They come at midnight and all day long. I have put silence - do not disturb settings on texts to get to sleep without them. I wrote stop and sent (as suggested by my son) but more just keep coming. I've had 5 today already. I tried ignoring, just deleting.... I'm going crazy trying to figure out any kind of information that tells me How they got my number, where they are coming from, based or anything that will help me stop them.

IF You Know Of ANYTHING I can do, I would appreciate the help.

