
Worthless Census Data Collectors

Author:  jkf [ Sat 03 Sep, 2011 ]
Post subject:  Worthless Census Data Collectors

Talk about a waste of tax dollars...

I was talking with a neighbor across the street and I see a car pull up in front of my place.
The driver gets out of the car and goes to my front door and opens the screen door.
He then puts an envelope in the door frame and takes off.

I was curious to see what this guy was up to, so I go home and check to see what it was.

It is a letter from the Census Bureau. That says... Sorry we missed you.
Please call our office to provide us with some information...

The office had sent a heads up letter about 3 weeks ago to have me expect someone.
This guy was standing in plain sight from where I was. He didn't even knock or
ring the door bell. It was obvious that he was not interested in talking with me.
He just stuffed the letter in the door so he can report it as "person not available".

Since nobody seemed to be supervising him, the agency will never know how many
houses this guy is running by without stopping to do the interview...

I doubt if this is a volunteer worker but instead a paid agency worker.

Author:  hbgator [ Sat 03 Sep, 2011 ]
Post subject:  Re: Worthless Census Data Collectors

It's not that they wanted your information for the census, it's just that the Democrats are trying to collect information on who they can count as a vote for Obama.....Can you say Voting front?

Author:  jkf [ Sat 03 Sep, 2011 ]
Post subject:  Re: Worthless Census Data Collectors

Well, I was not about to call them and tell them anything anyway.
I was going to act like I was incompetent. That's how I got rid of the
nagging newspaper telemarketer... She had the gaul to ask me...
Why don't you read the paper? and I told her I don't know how to
read... and she shut up and never called again Laughing

Regardless of who takes over what, it seems we are going to see
at least another 4 years of bad luck. Seems all the puppets and
actors of both parties in DC have been bought out and whatever
replacement that gets put in is not going to be able to put a
sizeable dent in our economic problem. Sad

Author:  fieryred [ Sat 03 Sep, 2011 ]
Post subject:  Re: Worthless Census Data Collectors

We got that letter stating we had been chosing for a follow up special census survey, I think our 'ferocious' dog scared them off, cause no has shown up to even leave a flyer yet Very Happy

Of course, the last census, I was in the middle of moving, so I called and inquired at which resident do I register at, and they replied where I was moving to, but there was no census card there, so I don't count Sad

As for newspaper, gator used to look forward to getting up at 5 am and drink a cup of coffee, watch the sun rise over the hillside outside the front window, and read his paper. When he cancelled his subscription, they called and asked him why and he told them because he gets letters with more paper to them than the paper had, and it always told him yesterday's news. Wink
