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Connection error
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PostPosted: Sun 26 Nov, 2006

Last couple of days I was getting connection errors when I tried to connect to the forum. I don't see anyone else complaining so it might have been just my ISP, but with the stuff that happened recently I can't help being suspicious...
I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code !
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Re: Connection error
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PostPosted: Mon 27 Nov, 2006

we got here some server problems

actualy we went down for 2 days
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Re: Connection error
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PostPosted: Mon 27 Nov, 2006

Yes we were down... I guess you didn't see our posts in the shoutbox

Sat Nov 25, 2006 12:48 pm
jkf: Hey its up and running again... people... I guess the server was down the last 2 days... and the techs were too busy shopping ... LOL

Sat Nov 25, 2006 2:06 pm
hbgator: nice to see it up and working :

I actually filed a problem report to the hosting service on Thursday
night but they were probably to busy eating... and too busy looking
for things to buy on Black Friday. The uptime record for our host is
great but when it goes down, it takes about 2 days before the tech
sees the trouble report.
jkf Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

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Re: Connection error
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PostPosted: Mon 27 Nov, 2006

Yeah, I don't look at the shoutbox much. With all the trouble we've been having lately it has really been a bad streak. I hope things remain normal for a few months now...
I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code !
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PostPosted: Mon 27 Nov, 2006

yeah, the only thing that's coming up is the server
renewal. that should go smoothly as long as they
don't foul up the billing... the domain name is paid
until Dec. 2008, but the server is billed yearly. So
you can count on us being here unless someone
once again has plans on us being offline... server
space rental is so cheap these days, its an insult
everytime I see ads at sites asking for donations
to pay for the server. they could be honest and
say, pay me so i can make some money... LOL
jkf Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

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Re: Connection error
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PostPosted: Mon 27 Nov, 2006

You are right jkf. I came across one that wanted $20.00 and you had to be INVITED to join. They had many members and that guy is gonna make a bundle. I'm glad Wasted Times is not like that. This is a nice forum with nice people. Smile
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Some Weird Naked HaX0r
Some Weird Naked HaX0r

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PostPosted: Fri 01 Dec, 2006

jkf @ 28/11/2006, 04:04 wrote:
yeah, the only thing that's coming up is the server
renewal. that should go smoothly as long as they
don't foul up the billing... the domain name is paid
until Dec. 2008, but the server is billed yearly. So
you can count on us being here unless someone
once again has plans on us being offline... server
space rental is so cheap these days, its an insult
everytime I see ads at sites asking for donations
to pay for the server. they could be honest and
say, pay me so i can make some money... LOL

Dedicated servers.
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