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Pirate Bay makes a movie

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Pirate Bay makes a movie
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PostPosted: Mon 28 Aug, 2006

THOSE NAUGHTY SWEDES at The Pirate Bay have released a film detailing their exploits in their Swedish filesharing utopia.

The documentary concentrates on the history of TPB and filesharing networks, and attempts to provide an unbiased, documented view from various members of the public. The film is aptly titled 'Steal This Film'.

The film was released with this byline on the Pirate Bay blog: "In 2006 a group of friends decided to make a film about filesharing that *we* would recognise. There have been a few documentaries by 'old media' crews who don't understand the net and see peer-to-peer organisation as a threat to their livelihoods. They have no reason to represent the filesharing movement positively. And no capacity to represent it lucidly."

The makers intend to release further parts every few months if viewer donations are sufficient enough for continued production.

I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code !
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